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On this page is a list of all the free bitcoin games and faucets that I have personally found to be nothing but a scam or a complete waste of time.


I would have to rate this the best faucet of all time.  All you have to do is register with your email address and Bitcoin address and create a password and that is all the work you will have to do.  The faucet does the rest of the work for you.  You basically earn 1 satoshi every 15 seconds and each Sunday it automatically pays your earned satoshi to your Bitcoin wallet.  After 7 days you would have earned 40320 satoshi without even doing a thing exept for registeting.  Then if you want to, you can increase the speed you make satoshi at by paying 50000 satoshi and every 50000 satoshi you spend will increse the speed by +1 every 15 seconds  so it bascally means if you wanted to invest 150000 satoshi you could make 4 satoshi every 15 seconds.  There is no obligation to increase your speed.  So if you just want to earn free satoshi without spending anything at all you still get 1 satoshi every 15 seconds completley free.


When you register to play Chicken Coins they will give you 1 grey chicken and 1000 Gr food as a gift.  The idea of the game is to collect the eggs that your chicken has layed, then you sell the eggs to earn Bitcoin then you can either collect your bitcoin or reinvest it to buy more chickens that lay more eggs to earn more Bitcoin.

          These faucet game's all made by GameVault  are nothing but a scam DO NOT bother wasting your time with any bitcoin game or faucet this crooked lot own.  I firstly joined Farm Satoshi so I will start there  - :  Farm Satoshi  will require  that you invest a lot of your valuable time to level up  and  it chews through your internet data as well.   It will take you approximately 5 months to 2 years of hard work  depending on how much time and effort you put in to leveling up before you can even start  to earn any decent amount of satoshi.   Even worse still  is that once you have actually wasted all your precious time and effort to reach a level high enough  that you actually  can start earning a decent amount of satoshi  you will find that your account is suspended.   They wil let you withdraw for  a short period of time  maybe 2 months or  a little more if you are lucky then  all of a sudden you will find that you can not log as they have suspended your account, with only a message when you try to log in saying that " your account has been suspended as you breached their T & C's (Terms & Conditions)"  and there wont be a thing you can do about it.   So all your valuable time and effort is for nothing.   I personally am one of the many thousands of people that happens to be a another victim of this nasty site.   I sent email after email to their support asking why my account had been suspended and that I believe that they have made some sort of mistake, with no response what so ever,  even though they were quick to respond or help me when I first joined.   I even left message after message on their Farm Satoshi forum and still no response.  Then I decided to  go through the forum to see if anybody else was experiencing the same problem and I did find a heap of complaints all saying pretty much the same thing I was.  I then came accross  a very rude message from GameVault themselves  it was for people who had their accounts suspended  it said "that the people with suspended accounts are all complaining because we  do not like the fact that we got caught cheating and breaking their T & C's by using an Ad Blocker and that anybody who had been suspended for this reason  they will not bother responding to."   I can honestly say I had not been using an Ad Blocker,  I  do not use bots, I only ever  signed up for  one account and have not ever broken any of their terms and conditions what so ever.   In actual fact if anything I was actually promoting them on this very site.   It is only their piss weak excuse for not having to pay you the satoshi that they promise to  and even worse is  they are still getting away with it.   They would be making alot of cash from the advertisments on their site especially with the amount of traffic and members this site has and it is  through the advertisements that sites like this can afford to pay you free satoshi.   So basically they use everybody to line their own pockets with money and give you pretty much nothing.   You can earn more satoshi by just using a decent paying faucet such as the one's  on this very site.   I  did actually get a few payments  for  around 2 months,  but as for the payments I did get before  does not even  begin to justify my valuable time and effort I put in to level my account up   Remember when I say false and misleading is that they get revenue  through their advertisments on the site,  and as soon as you do get to earning a decent  amounts of satoshi they  DO NOT want to pay you and they will stop you from using the site all together by suspending your account or accounts if you  also joined with Cannon Satoshi and City Satoshi 
          I then started posting on the farm satoshi forum I wrote "to the people who have
had their accounts falsely suspended should put aside a little of their time and write letters of complaints to Google Adsense, Xapo and Faucetbox telling them what a scam this site is and  hopefully  with enough complaints Google wont let them earn any more revenue from their advertisments and hopefully both Xapo and Faucetbox shut down their accounts."  I was then barred from the farm Satoshi forum as well and all my posts were removed along with most of the other people's posts who had complaints about their account being falsely suspended.   After encouraging people who had their accounts falsley suspended to write letters of complaint I was then suspended from both Cannon Satoshi and City Satoshi without any reason at all ....... I am guessing that they did not like the truth being posted on their forum . 
                 Cannon Satoshi and City satoshi work on the same principle as Farm Satoshi so no doubt once you have  reached  a level high enough to start earning and withdrawing a decent amount of satoshi they will
then suspend you from them as well and  that is  if you dont manage to get suspended before that like I was for complaining on their forum that I was falsely suspended.    When I was reading the Farm Satoshi forum it quickly started to paint a pretty picture,  there where plenty of other people at the time complaining also that their account has been falsely suspended ......just go to the farm satoshi forum and see for yourself (that is if GameVault  have not been on there already and removed them,  as they own the farm satoshi forum as well they  edit what ever they want to and remove most of the complaints.   The one thing I actually can prove is that I use alot of bitcoin faucets and games and have not ever been barred from any other site for using an Ad blocker or breaking terms and conditions.   If you also have been falsely barred please take my advice and start writing those complaint letters to Google Adsense, Faucetbox and Xapo and tell them it is a scam site and hopefully these sites will in turn ban them from using these sites.   After all they are not paying you what they promised so why should we let themmake any money from their scam sites.


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